Kerabu is a nonya salad, it is very much influenced by Thai cuisine with its combination of sweet, sour, spicy favours all wrapped up in a good dose of umami. There are many different types of kerabu - jellyfish, fungus, cucumber/pineapple, tau gay, etc. For some reason or other, my family favourite seems to be kerabu made of kacang botol (or winged bean, or four-angled bean). More recently I tried making kerabu out of tunghoon (mung bean vermicelli). Here's a quick recipe for both.
Dressing - Ingredients
4-5 red chillis
1 tbsp of toasted belacan
Add salt, sugar and lime juice to taste (for kerabu, since it is a dressing, probably about 4-5 limes minimum).
Variation: If you don't have sambal belacan handy and are too lazy to make it, you can also try slicing up some red chillis and adding some Thai fish sauce to the dressing
Salad base
For kerabu kacang botol, ingredients would include : Wingbeans/kacang botol (typically about 1 packet for 4 pax) - blanch in boiling water so that they retain that crispy texture, cut thinly (I like it about half a centimetre), on a slant.
4-5 shallots, thinly sliced
2 tablespoons dried prawn (haebee) - soaked, pounded
1 tbsp toasted grated coconut (kerisik) - purists would include it, but it is a pain to toast the coconut so I would call it optional.
When the ingredients are ready, toss together in the dressing.
For kerabu tunghoon,
300g prawns (shell, devein, cook quickly in boiling water or microwave them)
2 shredded carrots
8-10 shallots, thinly sliced
100g taugay or beansprouts
1/2 cucumber (shredded, pulp removed)
3 stalks lemon grass (thinly sliced)
Toss together in dressing, garnish with mint leaves or coriander leaves. Can also add other things, like the kerisik, as well.
Note: the kacang botol kerabu is our own home recipe, whilst the tunghoon kerabu is adapted from a recipe for kerabu beehoon found in Nonya flavours: A complete guide to Penang Straits Chinese Cuisine. Many other yummy kerabu recipes there!
Thanks for your generosity in sharing your own home recipe. While I don't cook, my hunch tells me that your sharing will somehow benefit some others one day, when they wish to recreate a taste of the Penang style nonya salad. :)