I really like the fresh pink flowers and fresh green leaves on the white Swiss voile background. And the little lines of kotok or the special "holey" seams make it oh-so-traditional too.
So now I have three kebaya tops, one each from the three nonya strongholds of Malacca, Penang and of course Singapore.
But going back to my earlier point. I recall that when I was in Japan, I did see ladies walking around in their elegant kimono. Of course, maybe this was because I was in the traditional part of old Kyoto. But I do think that people feel comfortable and confident in wandering around in their traditional dress, in a way we don't quite do here in Singapore except on these rare occasions. So maybe I should throw all this diffidence about wearing the sarong kebaya out of the window and glide out confidently in my lovely clothes whenever I can.
Have a Happy Chinese. New Year, or as someone smsed me in this strange combination of Chinese and English puns, "yang yang dou very goat".